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Qigongand Breathwork- 
w/Dr. Irene 

@ 1:30-3:00
Red Jasper Studios 
Tired from energy vampires stealing from you?
Do you feel you're in burnout and need a  reset? 

Learn to create, store and protect your own qi ("chi) energy and help reset your body, mind and spirit.  This unique class blends ancient technique with modern music rhythmic breathwork and gentle movement 
(All ability levels welcome) 

@ Red Jasper Studios 
245 Torbett Street 
Richland , WA

Watch the videos for more info 

Explore expressive rhythmic breathwork (from slow to fast pace) that combines ancient Chinese energy work and acupressure with modern neuroscience-based breathing. We also weave in a “moving meditation” which moves energy, also known as qi. 

Dr. Irene learned from her grandmother who was a Chinese healer a simple method that anyone can use to help reset their  mind/emotion/ body.  It can also reduce pain, improve mood and teach you to create and store energy to help yourself and others and reset health burnout.

 This group is perfect for anyone new to breathwork and qigong and is guided by Dr. Irene for a safe place to connect with yourself.

Please arrive early as the doors will lock for security.

What to bring: Yoga mat, blanket, small pillow, comfy clothes, water bottle 

Free samples of kanna for those who want to try! Kanna a sacred plant (legal psychoactive) that increases empathy, self reflection and connection to others and pairs perfect with breathwork.   Kanna is only for those not on anti-anxiety or antidepressant medication.  You can read more about the kanna chews here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uI2MZkwp-UrY8DFrE7cqkrXcEvMP5TrNmStS9ae3Rlk/edit 

 What to expect:  You’ll learn some acupressure which helps open up lymph   I teach you how to breathe with your whole body then guide you through creating and moving qi (chi) energy thought simple movements.  This is more active that my other breathwork sessions and you can be standing, sitting , kneeling at times but all levels of abilities are welcome.  

COME CHECK US OUT FOR FREE! Donate what you can afford after class(suggested value : $20)

Learn more about Dr. Irene & Mind Door,LLC: https://mind-door.com

If it is your first time, please come 15 minutes early to sign your waiver form! 

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  • Total payment
  • 1xQigong and Breathwork$0

All prices in USD